KazBuild/aquaTHERM 2024German Exhibitors LINGL SOLEAD GmbH


Booth number: 9-43

About us

We are one of the world’s leading manufacturers of installations and plants offering individual solutions to our customers. Our highly developed expertise in our business areas, including for example heavy clay ceramics, sanitary ware and technical ceramics as well as automation and robotics, is available to you at all times. We understand ourselves as a provider of holistic systems and are an experienced and strong partner for our customers.

The engineering services for raw materials and processes, the customized plant optimizations, the future-oriented production concepts as well as the large range of services offered by us all over the world enable our customers to gain significant advantages over their competitors.


Experience, innovation and quality – we are LINGL SOLEAD!


Nordstr. 2
86381 Krumbach (Schwaben)

E-mail: lingl@lingl.com
Phone:  +49 8282 8250
Internet: www.lingl.com
OOO Lingl Service
Leninsky Prospekt, 160
Office 305
196247 St. Petersburg

E-mail: service@lingl.ru
Phone:  +7 812 677 1169
Internet: www.lingl.ru

Contact person:

Gleb Yushin
E-mail: gleb.yushin@lingl.ru

Products & Services


Heavy Clay Ceramics, Sanitary Ware and Technical Ceramics, Mechanization, Automation and Robotics

Plants / Production Facilities from technical consulting, material preparation, complete handling systems, dryers and kilns to packaging including networking and process control systems for plants and production facilities – we offer everything from one source!

 -           Handling in General

-            Dryers

-            Kilns

-            Cutters

-            Cleaning of Kiln Cars

-            Filling Installations

-            Packaging Installations

-            Wall Element Installations

-            (Bulk Material) Conveyors

-            Control Systems / Automatic Control Engineering

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